Project Overview
According to recent studies, public knowledge of science, technology, and engineering is in decline. As made apparent by the recent and ongoing pandemic and the public’s understanding of vaccines, Misinformation on these topics can do tangible harm. Conversely, STEM knowledge can help people navigate everyday life situations ranging from healthcare decisions and nutrition to transportation and gardening. As these fields continue to advance at a rapid pace, a well-informed populace is better equipped to deal with issues like energy consumption and potential health hazards like COVID-19.
With scientific literacy faltering in this country among people of all ages, Scientific understanding affects the populace at large (for example covid 19 and anti-vaccine misinformation), Users need an easy and trustworthy method of learning about STEM subjects without being overwhelmed by the density of information.
Research Methodologies Used
Competitive Analysis
User Interviews
Secondary Research
User Personas
Usability Testing
My Role
UX Researcher
UX/UI Designer

Analyzing the Current Market
To get a grasp on the problem, I looked to other similar products for insight into what users are accustomed to and expect from a Q and A platform. While there are many applications that feature a discussion or question posting feature, I directed my attention at platforms that function mainly as a forum or question and answer exchange.
Talking to the Users
After combing through the information from my market research, I recruited 5 users to conduct interviews. To get a clear idea of user goals and motivations, I broke the interview into three categories:
How users utilize Q and A forum applications
Searching habits pertaining to questions about STEM or general issues
Their experience and knowledge of STEM subject matter
Use of Q and A or forum apps
All participants use some form of Q and A forum frequently
3 use one every day
2 use one several times a week
All users rely on the number of upvotes to determine the validity of an answer
All participants use the number of replies as a metric for the most unanimous answer
Pain points
3 of 5 participants cite irrelevant answers as a major frustration
2 of 5 feel the number of ads and how they’re displayed ruins the experience
Lack of visible credentials of the person answering technical questions
Hidden fee structures for the premium subscription
Searching habits
All users start with a search via google
3 of 5 participants click on search results leading to Reddit
2 of 5 participants seek out research study databases
Most users avoid blogs and opt for official sites (.gov or .org)
The majority of participants say they rarely look beyond the second page of results
Most valued features
Users highlighted the following features as the most valued/useful
Robust search feature is important to most users
Sorting by date and upvote count
The ability to like and upvote posts or questions for increased visibility
Bookmarking posts for later viewing, tracking answers/replies
The ability to follow specific posters and subgroups within a topic
Being able to view a posters post history and credentials
Experience and knowledge of STEM subjects
3 of 5 participants rate their understanding of basic STEM subjects as average or slightly below
Those with a higher understanding of the research processes in science are more critical and thorough when looking at sources/studies
3 of 5 participants use other forums or databases relating to a specific topic to search for studies pertaining to a question
All participants are motivated by both general curiosity and how a question affects them personally
2 of 5 participants cross-reference a search result with multiple sources to reach a consensus
3 out of 5 participants will use a common Q and A forum if the original source or answer is too difficult to grasp
4 of 5 participants read science journals or articles written by field experts for the latest findings in their desired STEM subject
Participants are more likely to follow the latest research in a particular field if it affects them personally
3 participants follow research in their profession in regards to technical questions (Most common being software or tech-related)
Creating the Persona
Using the insights from market research and interviews, I created a persona that best represented the target user.
Task Flow
Based on my research, a task flow was created to shape the path a user would take to demonstrate functionality.

Sketching a Solution

Defining the Brand Identity
What is the purpose of this product and how can I convey that concept in a meaningful yet simple way?
While brainstorming and creating word lists, I asked myself, “What is the purpose of this product and how can I convey that concept in a meaningful yet simple way?”. Inspiration struck from using a language app to learn Irish (Gaelic). The point of this product is for users to understand seemingly complex STEM subjects in a digestible way from verified experts. Tuig (pronounced Tig) is Irish for “Understand.”

Hi Fidelity Key Screens

Usability Testing
Moderated In-person testing
5 participants
Subject: High fidelity application prototype
Next Steps
Users were given the tasks of creating an account and custom feed, posting a question, and finding expert credentials
100% of users were able to complete the required tasks
All users felt the UI was clean, modern, and clear
2 users were frustrated with the selection of topics process
4 users were confused by the comments within the answers
With more time and access to a larger user group, I would
Create multiple versions of the prototype and conduct A/B testing as well.
Delve deeper into data on learning and retention with STEM subjects.
Conduct more market research on social media platforms to gain more insight into how information and misinformation are spread.
Interview more scientific experts and educators about their frustrations and expectations with public discourse in STEM fields of study.